The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

The Highway to Holiness is the Low-Way of Humility

Humility towards God

Perhaps you haven’t heard about the book, How I Achieved Humility By Age Twenty-three — it didn’t do very well. The story is told of the senior leader of a congregation who after many years of faithful service was awarded an intricately engraved gold pin for his humility. The next week, he wore it on the lapel of his suit coat to services—the congregation then took it away from him.

Humility is one of those topics that are uncomfortable for many of us to talk about. We often easily recognize the lack of it in others. But when it comes to ourselves, we sometimes are blinded to our lack of humility toward others. And it seems that when we finally do feel we’ve achieved a measure of it, we just as quickly lose it the moment we talk about it. It’s just an uncomfortable topic.

Read the full article here: Issue 35