The Glory is Coming but Not the Way We Have Thought

The Glory is Coming but Not the Way We Have Thought Grant Berry

The words glory, glorify, and glorified are mentioned nine times in John 17 and five times in the first five verses. Glory is  one of the main themes of Yeshua/Jesus’s prayer, His last prayer on the Earth before going to the cross, and His  subsequent resurrection that the Father’s Glory would be made known to the world.

The Glory of God is associated with His holiness, His honor, His presence, His esteem, but also with His state of being and  the presence of God all around Him. To me, when I think of the Glory of God, I think of His fullness and the fullness of His  Holy Spirit, the Fire of God, and the fullness of His power that emanates from the Father and the Son.

Read the full article here: Issue 34