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Tikkun America Network Blog

 Romans part 14 - The Lord Will Return As Judge
 Romans part 13 - What Can Be Known About God? Part 2
 Romans part 12 - What Can Be Known About God?
 Romans part 11 - The Wrath of God
 Romans part 10 - People are without Excuse
 Romans part 9 - Live By Emunah
 Romans part 8 - I Am Not Ashamed
 Romans part 7 - The Value Of Covenant
 Romans part 6 - Grace And Shalom To You Too
 Romans part 4 - Yeshua Is On The Horizon

Series [All]
 Daniel Juster (61)
 Fruit of the Spirit (8)
 Guy Cohen (56)
 Introduction to Messianic Judaism (24)
 Juster summer trip
 Mark Rantz (2)
 The Mitzvah Book (93)
 Tikkun Articles (5)
 Torah Thoughts
 Zion's Glory (3)



Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Occupied with the Message

Last Shabbat I was speaking about Paul evangelizing the synagogues in every town to which he traveled. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D5FESTGWpIPs go to 1:30 exactly) We find this phrase in Acts 18:5b "Paul became occupied with the message." We should too.

The message is both big and small. It is both complex and simple. In Hebrew the message is, "Yeshua HaNazrati, Hu HaMashiach v'gam Hu Adon Olam." Translated into English, "Yeshua of Nazareth, He is the Messiah, and also, He is the Lord of the world. Simple enough for a child to understand and believe, and at the same time, complex enough to confound the wisest academics.

Yeshua is prophesied many times throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. This is especially true in the Psalms. Jewish people (in general) don't read the Bible. However; this is somewhat less true of orthodox Jews who read selected passages and the Psalms.

What do we make of that? Can the Gospel be received by reading the Psalms? We only have to go so far as the second Psalm for evidence.

Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree of Adonai. He said to me: "You are My Son - today I have become Your Father.

What is this, some conspiracy theory? Is it some purposeful charade that Yeshua heard these words come from heaven on the occasion of His baptism? Let's just believe the obvious, Yeshua is the promised Messiah.

Got time for one more? The end of Psalm 2 says ... Psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish along your way - since His wrath may flare up suddenly. Happy is everyone taking refuge in Him!

There it is in black and white, "Kiss the Son ..." and be happy. The world is suffering from a depression epidemic. The answer is not in comfort pets, but in the Son of the living God, Yeshua of Natzeret.

Posted By Rabbi Michael Weiner, 10:19am Comment Comments:
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