A Day at the Temple

A Day at the Temple Todd Westphal

Yeshua answered, You know neither Me nor my Father. If you knew Me, you would also know My Father” (John 8:19

In chapters 8 and 9 of the Gospel of John, we witness a spiritual sword fight between Yeshua and that of the Pharisees. Time and time again they would challenge His every statement, and as we can see, through the eyes of the Spirit, the  constant wrestling was because they were “seeing” only through carnal eyes.

Let’s look at some of the first interactions on that day in the Temple: Pharisees: “Where is thy father?” (8:19)

Yeshua: Yeshua answered them, ‘Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is valid. for I know where I came from and  where I am going. But you don’t know where I come from or where I am going” (John 8: 14).

This is reinforced in verse 21 where we read, Then again Yeshua spoke to them, ‘I am going away, You will look for Me and die in your sin. where I am going, you cannot come.

Read the full article here: Issue 35